- Selection of appropriate risk assessment techniques, including process/work place based versus the task-based approach
- Monitor and review the effectiveness of an organisation’s risk assessment procedures relevant to process hazards.
- Plan improvements to your organisation’s risk assessment procedure on a rational basis.
1. Introduction to Risk Assessment
- Introduction to HSE Management Systems
- Integrating risk assessment within Risk Management
- Semi-quantitative risk assessment techniques – machinery based
- The task-based approach to risk assessment
2 . Hazard and Operability Studies ‘HAZOP’
- Introduction to hazards identification and analysis techniques
- Techniques for hazard identification and analysis – HAZOP
- Application of HAZOP to relevant processes
- Planning and implementing within risk management system
3. Analysis of the consequences
- Introduction into reliability technology
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ‘FMEA’
- Analysis of the consequences – mechanics of fire, explosion and toxic releases
- Role of Fault Tree Analysis to identify how accidents can happen
4. Quantified Risk Assessment ‘QRA’
- Introduction to Quantified Risk Assessment ‘QRA’
- The role of Event Tree Analysis in scenario development
- The role of Fault Tree Analysis for multi-causation analysis
- Applications for ETA and FTA
5. Modern HSE Management Systems
- Elements, sub-elements and expectations of HSE-MS
- The role of risk management within HSE-MS
- The role of HSE Audits
- Procedures for planning and implementing of action plans
Martono, ST and Team
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