SCHEDULE : 25 - 28 Agustus 2014
VENUE : Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta
The function of a pressure safety valve is to protect pressure vessels, piping systems, exchanger, boiler and other equipment from pressures exceeding their design pressure by more that a fixed predetermined amount. The permissible amount of overpressure is covered by various codes and is a function of the type of equipment and the conditions causing the overpressure. Failure of safety valve can cause cathastropic accident. Periodically inspection, testing and repair is one of the most important element that the safety valve work properly.This course explains how safety valve and relief functions and how to maintains and ensure long life operation.
- PSV type and application
- Recognize manufacture type and size
- Operation, performance and opening characteristic .
- Recognizing, part, component and materials
- Assembly
- PSV degradation material
- Painting and surface preparation
- Periodic checking, testing and readjusting
- PSV in Shut Down Control and System
Miftakhul Hudha, S.T, M.Eng and Team