12 Juli 2018 | 0 CommentDESKRIPSI PELATIHAN Pelatihan ini membahas tentang strategi pembelian yaitu adanya proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan pengawasan strategis dan operasi keputusan pembelian untuk mengarahkan seluruh kegiatan fungsi pembelian terhadap peluang konsisten dengan kemampuan perusahaan untuk mencapai jangka panjang dalam pelaksanaan tujuan di perusahaan ". Pelatihan ini juga akan membahas strategi teknik manajemen persediaan (inventory) untuk industri manufaktur jasa, terutama dalam meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan. MATERI PELATIHAN PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE To provide participants with the ... More
26 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentDESKRIPSI Dalam keseharian dalam kantor, seluruh karyawan akan dinilai pekerjaan dan performansinya. Tanpa pengukuran performansi, perbaikan kurang mempunyai arti. Jika suatu aktivitas tidak dapat kita ukur, sulit bagi kita untuk memanage aktivitas tersebut. Sehubungan dengan itu pengukuran performansi harus dilakukan dengan baik, dengan menggunakan metode yang tepat sehingga hasil dari pengukuran tersebut mencerminkan kemampuan yang sesungguhnya. Balanced Score Card (BSC) merupakan cara terbaik pada saat ini dalam mengukur performansi baik pada tataran perusahaan, pada tataran unit-unit organisasi yang ada dalam perusahaan maupun pada tataran ... More
26 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentOBJECTIVES After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to : Understand the basic concept of oil , gas and water handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology in field application. Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of oil, gas and water handling processes. PRE-REQUISITE No specified (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer) COURSE OUTLINE The surface production facilities for handling produced oil and water The oil/water/gas separation process and equipment The emulsion and oil treating process and equipment The water treatment ... More
23 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentOBJECTIVE After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to: Understand the basic concept of oil , gas and water handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology in field application. Diagnostic of oil and gas reservoir performance under actual drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes. Analyze the production potential of reservoir under with actual handling system processes and to plan the better development processes according to reservoir capacity. Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of oil, gas and water handling ... More
23 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentDESKRIPSI Industri maritim selama ini telah menyokong 90 % ekonomi dunia. Bagi Indonesia yang ekonominya masih didominasi dari hasil minyak dan gas (migas) tentu sangat terikat dengan aktivitas lepas pantai (offshore) yang merupakan bagian dari industri maritim, salah satunya adalah pasokan kebutuhan di anjungan tengah laut atau logistik offshore. Clarkson Capital Markets (2012), melaporkan bahwa pengeboran migas ada kecenderungan semakin menjauh dari daratan, yang berarti semakin mebutuhkan peran logistik offshore. Produksi migas berlangsung di lepas pantai, untuk menjamin keberlangsungan produksi secara kontinyu ... More
13 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION This course is a practical knowledge of selection, installation of choke and control valves. Design, specification and implementation of control and operation in gas plant process COURSE CONTENT Basic physical properties Fundamental of measurement Fundamentals of flow characteristics Control valves Pressure drop Flow equations Fundamental valve sizing a. Introduction b. Definition of a Control Valve c. Energy ... More
13 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentBACKGROUND Crude Oil is produced from the reservoirs pass through well head at the surface and then collected at the Block Station for separation of Oil, Gas and Water. After from Block Station or Gathering Station Crude Oil will be transferred by pipe line to the Mine Oil Storage or Terminal. At the Mine Oil Storage or Terminal production from all field collected together then transferred to Refinery, Domestic or Export. The philosophy and procedure for crude oil processing, transporting and storage handling are: Safety, Minimized losses and pollutions, No changing the quality and avoid contamination. In the other hand many companies carry out its product ... More
13 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION Spare parts intended to support effective maintenance management should be well managed. Complaints normally come from maintenance department due to unavailability of spare parts when they are needed. The correct specification, quality and quantity of the available spare parts will guarantee the effective maintenance program. Similar to spare parts, raw materials inventory also plays an important role in a production system. On the other hand, inventory can’t be excessive either, as it means cost. BENEFITS OF ATTENDING This training will help you to: Lead a winning logistics team, department or project Understand the practical and ... More
12 Apr 2018 | 0 CommentDESKRIPSI Rantai nilai pemasok yang terintegrasi merupakan perencanaan stratejik yang menyatukan operasi perusahaan mulai dari pengadaan bahan mentah yang berkualitas dan tepat waktu sampai dengan produk akhir tiba di tangan konsumen. Transportasi merupakan salah satu bagian operasi yang sangat penting untuk menciptakan customer value dan customer satisfaction yang tinggi Manajemen transportasi meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian di bidang transportasi. Perencanaan meliputi kegiatan penentuan lokasi pabrik, gudang penyimpan bahan baku, dan gudang distribusi yang tepat untuk kecepatan pelayanan di bidang transportasi yang ... More
28 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION This course for mechanical engineers and piping system designers reviews the key areas associated with the design of in-plant piping systems for oil and gas facilities. The course is focused on five areas: codes and standards, pipe materials and manufacture, piping components (concentrating on valves), piping layout and design, and piping stress analysis. You will learn this course for 4 days. OBJECTIVES To learn Codes, Standard and Regulations for Pipeline To learn Technical Pipeline Documentation To learn flow characteristic inside pipeline To learn optimization of the pipe size selection To learn pipeline design loads and be able ... More
22 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentDESKRIPSI Salah satu hal yang penting dalam kepuasan pelanggan dan pemasaran adalah tersedianya barang yang diminta oleh pelanggan secara tepat waktu dan dengan biaya yang serendah mungkin. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut diantaranya dibutuhkan kemampuan untuk mengelola manajemen distribusi, khususnya dalam kaitan dengan warehouse dan logistik. Pelatihan ini akan membantu peserta dalam memahami fungsi dari gudang & distribusi serta pengaruhnya dalam meningkatkan efisiensi operasi. Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan mendapatkan pengetahuan dan teknik-teknik praktis yang dapat langsung dipraktekkan di lapangan. MATERI TRAINING Pengantar Fungsi ... More
21 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION In today’s world middle and senior level managers are faced with increasingly complex responsibilities. In order to meet this challenge they must be continually sharpening their management skills. This programme will focus on the management and leadership skills necessary for success in today’s fast changing business environment. In this programme you will learn how to: Manage and motivate people more effectively Create and harness the power of high performance teams Understand and effectively utilize strategic planning techniques Negotiate for positive results ... More
14 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE Water treating and chemicals are everyday encountered work and problems must be accomplished in industry. This training is addressed for participants who want to broaden their knowledge horizon, skill and capability on their work responsibility area, learn more detail about many aspects of the nature of water, different properties of raw waters, water and impurities analysis and its interpretation, internal and external treatment processes, roadmap of water treatment technology, equipment used and its operations, boiler feed water treatment, cooling water treatment, corrosion, fouling and scale controls, waste water treatment, ... More
13 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentDESKRIPSI Pompa dan Kompresor (Pump and Compressor) dalam proses operasi industri memiliki peranan yang sangat penting. Pompa dan kompresor memiliki karakteristik khusus untuk melayani pekerjaan-pekerjaan tertentu. Untuk menanganinya, dibutuhkan kompetensi khusus untuk dapat memilih dan memutuskan pompa dan kompresor mana yang benar-benar sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang dihadapi sehingga hasilnya bisa optimal. Kesalahan memilih type dan kapasitas pompa dan kompressor dapat mengakibatkan kerugian baik materi maupun pekerjaan menjadi tidak optimal. Program pelatihan ini didesain khusus untuk para foremen, repairman, operator dan tenaga lapangan lainnya yang bertugas ... More
13 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION This course is designed to provide participants with a complete overview of basic drilling technology and practices as well as problems related to drilling a well. This course will help participants understand drilling fundamentals as well as good communication with their superiors. Calculations and practical experiences will give participants the tools to minimize drilling costs. Thus examples and procedures for solution of common problems are also covered. ü Avoid trouble and costly mistakes ü Recognize symptoms that precede drilling problems ü Identify and assess risks on a day-to-day ... More
12 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) provides an IEC61508 & IEC 61511 standard. These codes are established rules of the design, and selection of safety instrumented systems (SIS), they are the statistical representations of the reliability on the particular functions when a process demand occurs. The objective of the rules is to provide a margin for SILs in service, such as; SIL 1, 2, 3, and 4. This course will centres on the on the practical aspects of SIL and the methodologies used for determining SILs that are include but are not limited to; LOPA, Safety layer, FTA and also discuss an overview various steps for assignment of ... More
12 Mar 2018 | 0 CommentREDA PUMP INTRODUCTION Reda pump has become a generic name for the type of pump lifting Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) in oil wells. Reda itself is one brand of ESP is now owned by Schlumburger. In general, the construction of the ESP, any brand, consisting of filter, submersible motors, gas separator, casing, multistage centrifugal impeller, shaft and accessories. Many factors affect the determination and selection of ESP. ESP selection mistakes can lead to the production target is not reached. Similarly to the ESP service life as defined by the need to know the Standard Operating Procedures and operation and maintenance of ESP. This short course ... More
16 Des 2017 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION The Problem that Usually happens in Team Lack of a common goal No team commitment Lack of respect Ineffective team communication Our Solution Participants Will Learn to… Identify the phases every team goes through and how to manage the process to become productive Define the importance of communicating goals and vision Identify and build on individual strengths Create ground rules that everyone can live with Utilize techniques to lead the team and keep motivated and focused Help your team accept differences and value one another COURSE OUTLINE ... More
16 Des 2017 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION Excellent Communication allows you to build strong relationships built on trust, to position yourself as a thinking partner and to get your ideas to be heard. Participants will learn how to step back and design a communication strategy based on a clearly defined objective and a good understanding of client needs and psychology. They will learn to structure a state-of-the-art presentation, formulating their ideas with impact and structuring them in a clear and convincing way. Finally, participants will learn to deliver their presentation with style, by crafting a strong interpersonal link to their counterparts, enhancing audience experience through ... More
16 Des 2017 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION Assertive communication is effective communication. It’s how to deal confidently and successfully with the people around you. Assertive people feel in control, they achieve win-win outcomes in any interpersonal transaction. They make their point persuasively whilst supporting the opinion of others. They build co-operation within a team and between teams. On the other hand, aggressive people communicate an impression of superiority and disrespect for the views of others. They may ‘win’, but they cause conflict, damage relationships and set themselves up for retaliation. Non-assertive (passive) people communicate inferiority. ... More
27 Mei 2015 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION This training is designed to give knowledge and skill on operation, maintenance, protection, control, and troubleshooting of electric motor that many used in industries. And also will be explained why is control, protection and maintenance of electric motor needed in production process that used electric motor. Type selection, performance, appropriate control for electric motor that expected to be able to turn a certain load will be explained and discussed more here. COURSE OUTLINE Introduction To Electric MotorsTypes Of Electric Motors Fundamental Concepts, DC Motor, AC Motor Induction Motors, Synchronized ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION The future of successful organizations is often determined by the quality and impact of the decisions made by their leaders and professionals. Understanding how best to solve problems and make decisions is essential. The skills needed to accomplish this involve learning to find the "real problem," separating symptoms from causes, and implementing sound, creative decisions to enhance the positive impact of the outcome. This course will examine: The overall process for making decisions & solving problems Identifying the root cause of the problem The importance of using models Getting the ideas out and prioritizing them How to implement ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION Dalam Basic Supervisory diperkenalkan akan fungsi dan keterampilan dasar seorang supervisor. Dalam materi pelatihan advanced supervisory skills development ini akan dibahas lebih jauh model kepemimpinan yang tepat bagi anak buah, membangun mental anak buah, menangani perilaku sulit anak buah, dan bagaimana menjadi teladan bagi anak buah, serta terakhir adalah latihan menyusun dan mengukur prestasi anak buah. Kesemuanya adalah ketrampilan lanjutan yang harus dimiliki seorang supervisor agar mampu membawa produktivitas tim kerja ke tingkat yang optimal. OUTLINES Role model seorang pemimpin: gaya seorang pemimpin, kepribadian yang ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION Banyak orang mengalami stress karena merasa kekurangan waktu untk menyelesaikan berbagai pekerjaan. Bahkan waktu 12 jam masih terasa belum cukup untuk menuntaskan pekerjaan dikantor. Dilain pihak ada juga orang yang merasa kelebihan waktu sehingga mereka cepat merasa bosan dalam pekerjaannya, tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana caranya mengisi waktu luang itu. Pada dasarnya setiap hari kita mempunyai waktu yang sama yaitu 24 jam. Karenanya kunci dari pengelolaan waktu adalah pada pemanfaatannya. Orang yang sibuk perlu meng-anggar-kan waktunya seperti meng-anggar-kan uang. Pengelolaan waktu adalah bagian dari pengelolaan diri, dan hal ini menyangkut sikap ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION Perubahan yang terjadi begitu cepat dalam dunia usaha, kerumitan masalah terus bertambah, dan akhirnya manusia kerja dituntut menyesuaikan diri dan membangun dirinya menghadpi rintangan dan tantangan. Akibatnya semua orang harus berpikir kreatif untuk mendukung kepercayaan diri yang lebih tinggi. Berpikir kreatif akan membawa seorang menjadi penggagas, dan dengan kreatifitas akan mewujudkan gagasan ke dalam kenyataan. Kreatifitas merupakan kekuatan daya cipta yang mewujudkan karya dan kerja yang bertumpu pada inovasi. Jalinan yang terjadi antara konsep berpikir kreatif dan kreatifitas dilakukan dengan dua tahap berbeda; berpikir lalu berbuat. ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentINTRODUCTION All business decision-making involves analyzing situations containing varying degrees of risk. This seminar uncovers the essential skills required to understand the processes of budgeting and cost control for better decision-making. From understanding the importance of a well defined budget process through to the importance of how costs behave so that realistic cost cutting and budgeting plans can be produced. In this seminar you will learn how to: Identify the principal factors required to produce a successful business case Develop budgeting and financial skills required for better decision-making Identify sources of ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION How do you become a leader that people want to follow? One that motivates and inspires people to work cohesively as a team, communicate openly, to do their best work ever – even when you’re not in the office. It is said that people join organisations and leave managers. How many people have left you? This course will help leaders truly understand the many facets of leadership and how to used those facets effectively to build and inspire high performing teams. OUTCOMES Master your EI to build an effective team environment. Apply the six leadership styles appropriately to maximise productivity and team output. Understand ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentOBJECTIVES Analyzing your audience Organize your thoughts and write a clearly focused outline that wastes no words or time Developing your writing and organizing techniques Using visual aids Speak clearly and confidently in both prepared and impromptu speaking situations Managing presentation stress Speak and think with greater clarity and purpose stressing key ideas Face an audience with confidence and control and make the most of your own natural speaking Use your words and your body to convince and persuade the audience. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Anyone who wants to improve his/her skills in presentation ability. ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentOBJECTIVES By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the role and function of managers in conflict resolution within the groups and the organizations. Understand a number of essential conflict management approaches and an associated range of strategies, tactics, and techniques. Develop skills of communication and assertiveness as a bases of enhancing the effectiveness of conflict management and dealing with difficult people. Understand the basic human behavior of difficult people. Develop skills of negotiation through win-win solution in managing conflict and dealing with difficult people. This Training to manage ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION Apa itu Mentoring ? Proses bimbingan yang diberikan secara berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang untuk tujuan pengembangan seseorang. Alat suatu organisasi yang digunakan untuk membimbing dan mengembangkan karyawannya Pembimbing atau penasehat yang terpercaya, secara tradisional biasanya adalah orang yang berada diluar garis komando. Dari sudut Mentee, mentor biasanya mengandung pengertian, seseorang yang membantu untuk memahami system informal yang berlaku dan membimbing bagaimana untuk sukses di “rimba belantara” organisasi. Process Mentoring Setiap anggota organisasi harus mampu mengembangkan potensinya melalui ... More
29 Jan 2015 | 0 CommentDESCRIPTION Negosiasi merupakan komponen yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan kerja. Dalam program pelatihan negosiasi ini, para profesional dari semua tingkatan memperoleh keterampilan negosiasi untuk digunakan dalam karir apapun. Peserta akan berlatih taktik dengan sesama peserta dalam berbagai situasi. Kami mengeksplorasi bagaimana tantangan dunia nyata dapat diselesaikan melalui negosiasi kemampuan ditingkatkan. Banyak pekerjaan terhambat atau terjadi konflik karena kurang baiknya kemampuan melakukan negosiasi. Karyawan diharapkan memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara baik dan mampu melakukan negosiasi ... More
Kemp: Forecasts for Higher Oil Prices Misjudge the Shale Boom
01 Agust 2014 | 0 CommentLONDON, July 28 (Reuters) - "The world of energy may have changed forever," according to Professor James Hamilton of the University of California. "Hundred dollar oil is here to stay." Hamilton, who is one of the most respected economists writing about oil, made his bold prediction in a paper on "The Changing Face of World Oil Markets", published on July 20. "Old hands in the oil patch may view recent developments as a continuation of the same old story, wondering if the high prices of the last decade will prove another transient cycle with which technological advances will eventually catch up," he wrote. "But there have been dramatic changes over the last ... More
Analyst: Oil, Gas CAPEX Spending to End 2014 a Bit Flat
22 Juli 2014 | 0 CommentCapital expenditures (CAPEX) spending in the oil and gas industry will end 2014 a little flat on a year-over-year basis after a decline earlier this year, an industry analyst told Rigzone in a recent interview about the mid-year outlook for CAPEX spending and other activity through the remainder of 2014. The decline in oil and gas spending by public, global oil and gas companies, particularly among exploration and production (E&P) companies, for the first quarter of 2014 from the same quarter in 2013, sent shock waves through the value chain of equipment companies and service suppliers. AlixPartners Research estimated an approximate $30 billion change ... More
Target Logistics: Maximizing Worker Retention and Performance
18 Juli 2014 | 0 CommentWhen is oil and gas workforce housing not just workforce housing? When it is designed from the ground up, with input from experts in a number of disciplines who understand the demands that working long hours in arduous conditions impose on workers, as well as the basic human needs that must be met for workers to perform at optimum levels. That is what Target Logistics, a global provider of workforce housing for more than 5,000 workers in the United States and Canada, learned during its approach to supplying living quarters. Energy companies often find fossil fuel reserves in shale formations located in areas with insufficient accommodations nearby for the ... More
Six Formations Boost Permian Production
16 Juli 2014 | 0 CommentWednesday, July 16, 2014 Six formations within the Permian Basin region in Texas and New Mexico have provided the bulk of the basin’s 60 percent increase in oil output since 2007, positioning the Permian as the largest crude oil producing region in the United States, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported Wednesday. Permian Basin oil production has grown from a low point of 850,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2007 to 1,350,000 bpd last year, EIA reported. The growth has largely resulted in oil production in Permian Basin counties exceeding production from the federal offshore Gulf of Mexico since March 2013. Last year, the Permian ... More
Grid Says UK Shale Gas Could Meet A Third Of Demand
11 Juli 2014 | 0 CommentGrid Says UK Shale Gas Could Meet A Third Of Demand A third of Britain's gas needs could come from its own shale gas by the early 2030s if government policies and economic growth allow firms to invest in gas exploration, National Grid says. LONDON, July 10 (Reuters) - A third of Britain's gas needs could come from its own shale gas by the early 2030s if government policies and economic growth allow firms to invest in gas exploration, National Grid said on Thursday. The potential production figure is a part of the British grid operator's 'Low Carbon Life' scenario, one of four potential scenarios in its "UK Future Energy Scenarios" published on ... More
01 Juli 2014 | 0 CommentSafety is first among every oil and gas company. Regardless of whether an employee works in the field, on a rig, or in a high-rise office, they will be reminded time and time again just how important the safety of every employee is to the company, and to the industry. But as more young workers are hired into the industry, the issue has taken on an increased importance. Younger workers differ from older ones by having fewer fatalities, but more total injuries and more serious injuries, according to safety and injury incident research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Human Resources Department Canada, and the National Institute of ... More
Oil Directorate Chief : More Norway Oil Projects Being Delayed
27 Juni 2014 | 0 CommentTRONDHEIM, Norway, June 26 (Reuters) - Oil firms are delaying the development of oil and gas fields off Norway, the head of the agency tasked with managing the country's oil and gas resources told Reuters on Thursday. Her comments come after new figures show oil firms in Norway are cutting spending by more than 10 percent in 2015 compared with this year, pointing to lower economic growth for the Nordic country. Oil and gas producers around the globe are cutting back spending plans to save cash after a decade-long spending bonanza cut deep into margins and reduced cash available for dividends. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) was expecting some 13 ... More
23 Juni 2014 | 0 CommentOSLO, June 20 (Reuters) – Norway's right wing government will retain its current holding in oil and gas firm Statoil , backing off a pre-election proposal to cut the stake to about 50 percent from the current two thirds of the shares. The government led by the Conservative Prime Minister Erna Solberg has pledged to reduce the state's role in the economy to give the private sector more breathing space and shrink what it considers a bloated public sector. The government owns about a third of shares listed on the Oslo stock exchange and said late on Thursday that it planed to cut its stakes in telecoms firm Telenor and industrial firm Kongsberg ... More
Smaller Firms Will Lead East Africa's Oil And Gas Development
11 Juni 2014 | 0 CommentLONDON, June 10 (Reuters) - Smaller oil explorers willing to take financial and operational risks will lead the development of East Africa's oil and gas industry as majors ditch riskier projects as margins fall, executives from several oil and gas firms said on Tuesday. The region has emerged as a significant prospect for the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) because of the size of natural gas discoveries there and its proximity to Asia's major LNG consumers. The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that more gas lies off the shores of Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique than off Nigeria, Africa's biggest energy producer. However, high development ... More
Canada's Surprise Light Oil Boom Delights Oil Sands Producers
09 Juni 2014 | 0 CommentCALGARY, Alberta, June 6 (Reuters) - Canada is enjoying an unexpected boom in production of ultra-light crude known as condensate, defying long-held predictions of dwindling supply. This surprising bounty from one corner of Alberta, better known as the home to Canada's vast tar-like oil sands reserves, is a boon for firms like Vermilion Energy Inc and Chevron who have built up positions in the Duvernay, now hotly tipped as one of North America's most exciting shale plays with vast reserves waiting to be tapped. It also is fuelling hope of cost relief for traditional heavy oil sands companies such as Cenovus Energy Inc, who in the past have paid ... More
Tensions Rise in South China Sea as China Seeks Oil, Gas in Disputed Waters
30 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentFriday, May 30, 2014 - Simmering tensions in the South China Sea were brought to the surface in early May after a drilling rig deployed by China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) arrived on site near the Paracel Islands to explore for petroleum resources. While China was busy fending off Vietnam’s attempts to disrupt drilling operations in the contested area, violent protests erupted against China’s economic interests in Vietnam, resulting in injuries and deaths to Chinese citizens in the Southeast Asian country. This latest incident further strained an already tense relationship between China and rival claimants in the South China Sea ... More
Big Oil Spending More, Getting Less in Production
28 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentWednesday, May 28, 2014 - Despite increased spending, oil majors are seeing flat or declining production as they struggle to replace reserves, according to a recent analyst report. Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp., Royalty Dutch Shell plc and BP plc recorded declines in their 2013 production. ExxonMobil reported an average production of 4,175 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MMboepd), down 1.5 percent from 2012, and Chevron saw its production decline by .5 percent from 2012 to 2013 to 2,597 MMboepd. Shell’s average 3,199 MMboepd of production for 2013 was down 1.9 percent from 2012 levels, while BP saw its production volumes fall to 2,256 ... More
Eni Successfully Appraises Agulha Discovery In Mozambique
23 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentMILAN, May 22 (Reuters) - Eni said on Thursday it had successfully completed appraisal of its Agulha discovery in Mozambique as the Italian oil and gas group presses ahead with exploration of its rich Area 4 acreage in the country. In a statement, Eni said the Agulha 2 well, the twelfth well successfully drilled in Area 4, confirmed the southern extension of the field. State-controlled Eni holds a 50 percent stake in the gas-rich Area 4 field, its biggest ever gas discovery. Area 4 contains reserves of around 85 trillion cubic feet (tcf) and is part of the wider Rovuma basin that holds more than 150 tcf. "Eni is considering further exploration drilling in ... More
Investment in Natural Gas Loses its Shine
21 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentWednesday, May 21, 2014 - This opinion piece presents the opinions of the author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Rigzone. Total upstream capital spending continued to rise in 2013, but while investment in oil-related projects is up, capital spending in upstream natural gas is falling. What's more, the overall rate of increase in upstream capital spending is losing momentum, prompting the question of whether we are seeing the early signs of a cyclical downturn in capital spending following a decade of strong growth. That's according to an Evaluate Energy analysis of the latest company capital expenditure data for 2013. This analysis adds more ... More
Indonesia's Pertamina Says to Raise Oil Output With Overseas Acquisitions
19 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentSINGAPORE, May 19th 2014 (Reuters) - (Reuters) Indonesia's state energy firm PT Pertamina is planning to buy mostly overseas oil and gas assets to help raise its output nearly five-fold to 2.2 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2025. Southeast Asia's largest economy was once self-sufficient in oil and gas production and is a former member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). But it has been struggling for years to attract enough investment to halt declining domestic output, which has dropped to about half of its 1995 peak of 1.6 million bpd. Pertamina said in statements issued on Thursday, a public holiday in Indonesia, that it ... More
North America
16 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentFriday, May 16, 2014 - America’s oil and natural gas boom has caused a rippling effect with all sectors experiencing a windfall. Energy-intensive manufacturing employment is set to increase by more than 1 percent in the United States through 2020, according to a report released by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Manufacturing employment in metropolitan areas has expanded by 1.7 percent per year on average over the past three years, with energy-intensive industries such as fabricated metals and machinery being crucial parts of that growth. More than 196,000 jobs in metro areas from 2010 to 2012 were added in energy-intensive manufacturing sectors. These ... More
Oil, Gas Looks to Hire More Cybersecurity Professionals to Address Risks
13 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentTuesday, May 13 - Oil and gas companies are looking to hire more cybersecurity professionals as recent advances in oil and gas technology, which have created greater efficiency and reliability, also raise the industry’s risk from cyberattacks. As it becomes more lucrative and high-profile, the oil and gas industry has become more of a target for cyberattacks. “Oil and gas is holding the economy together in a lot of ways, and one of the few sectors not struggling, said Chad Pinson, managing director of global investigations for cybersecurity at Stroz Friedberg. Pinson said Stroz Friedberg sees more of its clients talking with the ... More
Is the US Tight Oil Market 'Too Robust to Bust'?
12 Mei 2014 | 0 CommentMonday, May 12, 2014 - The current crude oil price environment – in the vicinity of $100 per barrel (bbl) – comfortably exceeds the break-even economics of U.S. Light Tight Oil (LTO) production from the Bakken, Eagle Ford and other shale formations. But what proportion of LTO reserves would remain economic at, say, $75/bbl? According to Wood Mackenzie, the answer is a significant majority – at least 70 percent. "There is not much U.S. producers can do to influence global oil prices," Harold York, Wood Mackenzie's principal downstream research analyst, said in a late-March communique from the consultancy. "Supply and demand ... More
Energy Boom Spurs Growth West Of The Mississippi
28 Mar 2014 | 0 CommentWASHINGTON (AP) — America's energy boom is fueling population growth west of the Mississippi River. New 2013 census information released Thursday shows that 6 of the 10 fastest-growing metropolitan areas and 8 of the 10 fastest-growing counties in the country are located in or near the oil- and gas-rich fields of the Great Plains and Mountain West. More and more oil and gas drilling is being done in those regions, drawing people from around the nation looking for work, the Census Bureau said. Neighboring cities Odessa and Midland, Texas, show up as the second and third fastest-growing metro areas in the country. Sara Higgins, the Midland public ... More
Indonesia Appoints Winners in $4B Jangrik Gas Projects
12 Feb 2014 | 0 CommentJAKARTA, February 11th 2014 (Reuters) - Indonesia's state energy regulator, SKKMigas, has appointed firms for the $4.1 billion development of Jangrik and North East Jangrik offshore gas and condensate fields operated by Eni, heralding the country's first deepwater gas project. Former OPEC-member Indonesia was once a top global exporter of natural gas, but a reduction in exploration investment and ballooning domestic energy demands have seen shipments decline. However, gas use in Southeast Asia's largest economy has been limited by a shortage of investment in infrastructure, as hefty subsidies limit the feasibility of projects to utilise the fuel. In ... More
Greenbrier Unveils New Rail Car Design for Oil, Ethanol Transport
10 Feb 2014 | 0 CommentFebruary, 10th 2014 - According to data from AAR, 99.9977 percent of all rail-carried hazardous material arrives at its destination without incident. However, recent high-profile derailments have clearly demonstrated the need for updating the North American tank car fleet to the highest practical safety standards, Greenbrier Chairman and CEO William Furman said in a Feb. 5 press release. The surge in Bakken crude oil production has created demand for additional tank cars to transport oil. The company’s design is part of an attempt to be aggressive in creating a solution for the industry, the company spokesperson said. “Greenbrier is addressing ... More
Faroe Ups its Estimated Reserves, Resources
07 Feb 2014 | 0 CommentFriday, February 7th 2014 - Northern Europe-focused junior explorer Faroe Petroleum released Thursday an operational update in which announced an upgrade of its estimated reserves and resources. Faroe stated that its 2P reserves as of January 1 2014 were estimated at 27.2 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe), representing an increase of 35 percent over the past year. Un-risked contingent resources were estimated 32-percent greater at 73 million boe. Total average economic production for 2013 was reported as being 6,059 barrels of oil equivalent per day (2012: 7,200 boepd). Faroe said that this was lower than expected due to principally to ... More
Production from Olympus Platform in U.S. Gulf Begins
05 Feb 2014 | 0 CommentFebruary 5th,2014 - Royal Dutch Shell plc has initiated production from the Mars B development through Olympus, the company’s seventh and largest floating deepwater platform in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Mars B is the first deepwater Gulf project to expand an existing oil and gas field with significant new infrastructure, which Shell said should extend the greater Mars basin’s life to 2050 and beyond. Future production from Olympus and the original Mars platform should deliver 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent of resources. Shell safely completed construction and installation of Olympus more than six months ahead of schedule, allowing Shell to ... More
Iraq Says Syria War Spillover Hinders Oilfields, Pipelines
29 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentLONDON, Jan 29th (Reuters) - Spillover attacks from the civil war in Syria have hindered development of Iraq's gas and oil reserves and a major pipeline to the Mediterranean has been blown up dozens of times, Iraq's top energy official said on Tuesday. Violence in Iraq climbed back to its highest level in five years in 2013, with nearly 9,000 people killed, most of them civilians, according to the United Nations. "The ongoing conflict in Syria has resulted in an increasing number of terrorists using vast desert areas between Syria and Iraq to establish bases from which they have carried out attacks against the civilian population and economic targets and ... More
27 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentDAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 27th 2014 (Reuters) - Oil executives normally travel the world to win big contracts - but rarely do government officials travel the other way. This week in Davos, however, some of the most powerful oil CEOs gathered on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum and were presented with an embarrassment of riches. While the appearance of Iran's new president and oil minister in front of the heads of BP, ENI, Total and Lukoil made most headlines, the executives also heard presentations by officials from Canada, Mozambique and Mexico. The head of BP Bob Dudley drew a simple conclusion: "It just shows how big the shifts are in the ... More
Megaprojects A Megaheadache For Oil Bosses
23 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentDAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 22nd 2014 - (Reuters) Giant oil and gas extraction projects will be giving oil industry executives headaches to match for the years ahead as delays, cost overruns and increasing risks call for new strategies to manage them. The sheer scale and complexity of such projects is threatening to outgrow the ability of even the largest oil companies to manage them. They have emerged as the central topic for debate as oil executives gather on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum this week in the Swiss alpine resort of Davos. Almost all the top companies have seen huge delays and broken budgets at projects ranging from ... More
Study: Natural Gas Globalization in Process
21 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentJanuari, 21th 2014 - As the energy industry gears up for another busy year, many challenges will have to be addressed, specifically in the natural gas arena, according to a study, “Challenging Climates: The outlook for the oil and gas industry in 2014”, completed by DNV GL. "The findings from this year's research reaffirm the oil and gas sector's focus on finding innovative approaches to meet tomorrow's energy demands," commented Elisabeth Torstad, CEO of DNV GL – Oil & Gas, in the report. "Industry leaders have their sights firmly fixed on developing the deep technical ability and smarter ways of working that are needed to access ... More
Norway's Rising Oil Costs Hit Arctic Output Hopes
17 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentOSLO, Jan 17th 2014 - (Reuters) Delays to flagship Arctic projects due to sharply higher costs and taxes, and lower oil prices, will hamper Norway's efforts to revive oil output stuck at a 25-year low, officials and companies say. The development of several smaller fields, which often fly under the radar, is also either delayed or in doubt, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) told Reuters. Cost in Norway's oil sector have roughly doubled between 2005 and 2012 and a tax hike unveiled last year pushed several projects over the edge just as oil firms around the globe increased efforts to reduce spending to save cash for dividends. Norway expects oil ... More
Report: High Investment In UK N.Sea Unlikely To Continue Past 2015
13 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentLONDON, Jan 10th 2014 (Reuters) - Current high levels of investment in Britain's North Sea are unlikely to continue after 2015, according to a forecast from energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie that could feed concerns about the longer-term future of the country's oil industry. Britain's oil and gas output has fallen by about two thirds since 2000, posting particularly steep falls of 14.5 percent last year and 18 percent in 2011, but big new investments have fuelled hopes that some of the declines can be reversed. In 2013, capital investment in the UK part of the North Sea hit its highest level in real terms since the mid-1970s, Wood Mackenzie said in an ... More
06 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentJanuary, 6th 2014 - Western Australia's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Monday that it has recommended for conditional approval Chevron Australia's proposal to increase the footprint of its Gorgon Gas Development in the state. The proposal aims to undertake clearing and earthworks of an additional 79 acres (32 hectares) on Barrow Island for additional construction laydown and operations support to the existing Gorgon Gas Development. EPA Chairman Paul Vogel said the proposal was assessed to determine if the existing conditions on the development could be applied to the revised footprint. "The EPA’s assessment was an ... More
NZOG Completes Seismic Survey in Clipper Permit in PEP 52717
02 Jan 2014 | 0 CommentJanuary 2nd, 2014 - New Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd. reported Tuesday it has completed an incident-free 3D seismic survey covering approximately 250 square miles (650 square kilometers) of the Clipper permit East of Oamaru in the Canterbury Basin off New Zealand's South Island. The seismic vessel Polarcus Alima began the survey Dec. 17 towing 12 seismic streamers, each 328 feet (100 meters) apart and reaching 4.9 miles (8 kilometers) behind the vessel. The survey was completed at approximately 8.30 this morning, more than a week ahead of schedule. The terms of the Clipper exploration permit required a 3D survey to be completed by October ... More
North Sea 2013 Review
31 Des 2013 | 0 CommentDecember 31th, 2013 - The North Sea's oil and gas sector underwent another eventful year in 2013 for both good and bad reasons. This year saw more tax relief measures aimed at projects in the UK zone of the North Sea, further investment in the region by international oil and gas companies and the go-ahead given for a major heavy oil field development project east of the Shetland Islands. But 2013 also saw the tragic deaths of four oil and gas workers in a helicopter crash offshore Scotland. Field development news during 2013 was mixed. Statoil ASA announced in late November that the development of its Bressay oilfield, estimated by ... More
Oil Higher On Supply Cuts As Gasoline Demand Rises
26 Des 2013 | 0 CommentNEW YORK, Dec 24th - (Reuters) Brent oil settled at a near a one-month high on Tuesday in thin pre-holiday trade as traders covered short positions amid civil unrest in Africa that curbed global supply while demand for gasoline rose. Conflict in South Sudan threatened the country's oil output, adding to supply concerns as Libya's production is off by more than 1 million barrels per day (bpd). U.S. gasoline futures drove the oil complex higher, trading up 1.2 percent, after reaching a 15-week high in the previous session. Refinery snags in the United States and striking refinery workers in France thinned supply while demand remains robust. "You are ... More
API, Industry Groups Criticize Baucus' Tax Proposal
16 Des 2013 | 0 CommentDecember, 16th 2013 - The American Petroleum Institute (API) and other energy industry groups expressed concern Friday over Sen. Max Baucus (D-Montana)’s discussion draft on cost recovery and tax accounting, calling for a “pro-growth tax code” that promotes oil and natural gas production, investment and job creation. On Nov. 21, Baucus unveiled the third package in a series of proposals to overall the tax code, which he called bloated and outdated in a Nov. 21 press release. “The last major overhaul of our country’s tax code occurred in 1986,” Baucus stated. “Since then, there have been more than 15,000 ... More
Private Equity to Play Greater Role in Oil, Gas Investment
09 Des 2013 | 0 CommentDecember, 9th 2013 - Private equity investment will play a greater role in oil and gas industry capital investment, according to a recent survey by Ernst & Young (EY). Fifty-five percent of private equity (PE) executives polled by EY said oil and gas industry investment activity now is the foremost driver of their investment activity in the industry. Forty-four percent of the 100 respondents surveyed cited availability of financing as the second largest driver in PE activity, while 36 percent cited global expansion as the third largest driver in PE activity. PE is expanding beyond its traditional focus on leveraged buyouts into an array of new ... More
Oil & Gas UK slams report on ‘subsidies’
05 Des 2013 | 0 CommentHOUSTON, December 4th 2013 - An oil and gas trade group has rejected a UK House of Commons committee recommendation to cut fossil-energy tax allowances that the committee described as subsidies. The group, Oil & Gas UK, called that characterization “disingenuous and misleading.” A report by the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) said, “Field allowances for North Sea oil and gas do not fully offset relatively high starting rates of corporation tax and petroleum revenue tax. The allowances nevertheless represent a subsidy for the use of state-owned fossil fuel deposits.” The ... More
Brent Falls, Premium to U.S. Oil Narrows
02 Des 2013 | 0 CommentNEW YORK, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Brent oil dropped by more than $1 on Friday while U.S. crude rose in thin, volatile trade ahead of the weekend as traders continued to weigh supply outages in Libya against U.S. inventory levels. Brent crude found some early support from the ongoing supply disruptions in Libya before falling into negative territory in a bout of late selling ahead of the settlement. U.S. crude rose early before giving up some gains as Brent collapsed, with traders weighing low distillate stockpiles ahead of winter against high crude inventories. Traders said additional support for U.S. crude, frequently called West Texas Intermediate, came from ... More
FERC Approves Transco Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion
25 Nov 2013 | 0 CommentHOUSTON, 2013 Nov. 22 - Williams Partners LP has received approval from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the $300 million Transco Virginia Southside expansion for service to Dominion’s 1,358-Mw facility in Brunswick County, Va. The gas-fired, electric power-generation plant will replace generating capacity from retiring coal-fired plants, Tulsa-based Williams said. The 100-mile, 24-in. natural gas pipeline is expected to provide 270,000 dth/day of incremental transportation capacity by September 2015, extending from the Transco mainline in Pittsylvania County, Va., into Halifax, Charlotte, and Mecklenburg, terminating in ... More
18 Nov 2013 | 0 CommentInvesting.com - Natural gas futures rose more than 1% on Friday to hit a three-week high, as updated weather forecasting models continued to point to colder than average temperatures in key gas-consuming regions in the U.S.Bullish speculators are betting that colder weather will increase demand for the heating fuel. The heating season from November through March is the peak demand period for U.S. gas consumption.On the New York Mercantile Exchange, natural gas futures for delivery in December advanced 1.53% on Friday to settle the week at USD3.660 per million British thermal units.Nymex gas prices rallied to a session high of USD3.667 earlier, the strongest ... More
12 Nov 2013 | 0 CommentHOUSTON, Nov 11th Statoil ASA and its partners in PL 348/348B have made an oil discovery 15 km northeast of Njord field in the Norwegian Sea’s Snilehorn prospect. The volume of the discovery ranges 55-100 million bbl of recoverable high-quality light oil. Exploration well 6407/8-6 and sidetrack 6407/8-6A, which was drilled by the Songa Trym drilling rig, have proved several oil columns in Jurassic-aged formations. The main wellbore also has proved oil at a deeper level in reservoir rocks of Triassic age, possibly Grey Beds formation. “A most likely future development of the Snilehorn discovery will be ... More
06 Nov 2013 | 0 CommentKIEV, Nov 5 (Reuters) - Ukraine signed a $10 billion shale gas production-sharing agreement with U.S. Chevron on Tuesday, another step in a drive for more energy independence from Russia. The deal to develop its western Olesska field followed a similar shale gas agreement with Royal Dutch Shell in January and boosts Ukraine's leadership at a time of fraught relations with Moscow over gas supplies. "The agreements with Shell and Chevron ... will enable us to have full sufficiency in gas by 2020 and, under an optimistic scenario, even enable us to export energy," President Viktor Yanukovich told investors shortly before the signing. The highest end of ... More
06 Nov 2013 | 0 CommentA UK government-sponsored report into engineering skills has highlighted that strategically important sectors, including oil and gas extraction, are becoming increasingly reliant on immigrants to perform technical roles. The report calls on employers and professional bodies "to step up" to help the UK government inspire future engineering talent and address engineering skills shortages across several industries. The Review of Engineering Skills – published Monday and authored by Professor John Perkins, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills – stated that the country currently relies on immigrants to fill ... More
10 Okt 2013 | 0 CommentOVERVIEW : This course will provide fundamental understanding of offshore pipeline systems and outlines design requirements of subsea pipeline systems based on DNV Offshore Standard Submarine pipeline systems DNV-OS-F101 as a highly recognized and widely used code in the subsea industry. Other DNV recommended practices such as Free Spanning Pipelines DNV-F105€ and On-bottom Stability Design of Submarine Pipelines DNV-OS-F109 are also explained in the course. Alternative internationally recognized design methods applicable to subsea pipeline design are briefly explained as well. The main issues for the design of offshore pipelines from ... More
Help (Will Be) Wanted: Overcoming Labor Shortages in Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry
01 Agust 2013 | 0 CommentOne of the most talked about issues in Canada’s oil and gas industry today is the topic of labor shortages. Projections indicate that Canada will face a shortage of both skilled and unskilled labor in the near future. This lack of access to labor is limiting the capacity of the industry as a whole to grow and be economically successful. If there are not enough people with the right skills to complete a job, the job simply cannot get done. Or, if the number of people who have the necessary skills to complete a task is so small that they can command very large wages, these increased wage costs could render a project economically ... More
Drilling rig partially collapses after Gulf of Mexico gas leak blaze
31 Juli 2013 | 0 CommentA drilling rig ablaze in the Gulf of Mexico has partially collapsed tonight, officials have confirmed. The Hercules 265 jackup rig caught fire last night, after a blowout forced the rig’s evacuation. The U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said this evening that beams supporting the derrick and rig floor on the rig had now collapsed over the structure. A third firefighting vessel has been sent to the rig, 55 miles off the coast of Louisiana. Forty-four people had previously been evacuated from the rig after crewmembers preparing it for production hit an unexpected pocket of gas. “Two firefighting vessels were in the area and ... More