SCHEDULE : 27 - 29 Oktober
VENUE : Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta
The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) provides an IEC61508 & IEC 61511 standard. These codes are established rules of the design, and selection of safety instrumented systems (SIS), they are the statistical representations of the reliability on the particular functions when a process demand occurs. The objective of the rules is to provide a margin for SILs in service, such as; SIL 1, 2, 3, and 4. This course will centres on the on the practical aspects of SIL and the methodologies used for determining SILs that are include but are not limited to; LOPA, Safety layer, FTA and also discuss an overview various steps for assignment of target SIL
On Successful completion of this module the participant will be able to:
- Learn the core concepts of fundamental SIL & application in industry
- Understand how to modify & improve the existing control system without avoid the safety and business aspects.
- Learn how implement the tools of SIL based upon the IEC and the other standard a basic to control production program
- Be able to measure the reliability of SIS outcomes
- Introduction to Safety Instrumented Systems
- The Safety Lifecycle – IEC61508
- IEC 61511 and the other applicable standards
- Risk Management & Reliability
- Process Hazard Analysis
- Layer of Protection Analysis
- Safety Integrity Level selection
- Probability of Failure Demand
- Hardware Fault Tolerance
- Case Study
The course will be of benefit to engineering and technical personnel employed process industries, power, oil and gas, being of direct relevance to engineers involved in the provision and operation who work closely and responsible to SIS.
Miftakhul Hudha, S.T, M.Eng and Team