VENUE : Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta
A comprehensive course, which deals with produced water treatment and handling within the overall context of oil production operations, it provides a brief review of water in the reservoir and the methods by which water is produced to allow forecasting of rates for equipment sizing considerations. Includes review of Water Chemistry, Sampling Procedures, Scales, Waxes, Corrosion, Bacteria, Inhibitors and Treatments, Surface Equipment for Oil and Water Handling, Separation, Emulsions and Treatment, of Water, Disposal Practices.
Process Engineers, Laboratory Chemists, Pipeline and Production Engineers, Hydro-Geologists, Environmental advisers, Production Geologists and individuals involved in handling, Treating and Disposal of Produced Water.
In this course participants will learn from and discuss with professional instructor the following subjects:
1. Proper Water Sampling
Sample Containers, Sample Amount, On –Site Analysis, Source of Produced Water
2. Water Treating
Use of Water in Oil Recovery, Required Water Quality, Source of Injection Water, Problems with Injection Water, Typical Treatment Systems, Open VS closed Systems
3. Water Disposal Practices
Introduction, Production Formation, Re-Injection into the Production Formation, Selection of Other, Deep Well Disposal Formations, Disposal Well Completions, Offshore Disposal, Other Disposal Practices
4. Scales
Sources of Scales, Scales Deposition and Identification, Scales Removal, Scale Control, Scale Inhibitors, Predicting Scale Formation, Treating Problems, Squeeze Treatments
5. Treatment and other Tests
Scale Inhibitors, Information Requirements, Types of Inhibitors, Methods of Treatment, Selecting the Inhibitors, System Monitoring
6. Corrosion Fundamentals
Definitions and Forms, Electro-Chemical, Corrosion, Factors in Corrosion, Types of Corrosion Control, Factors Governing Oil-well Corrosion, Choosing the correct Corrosion Inhibitor
7. Bacteria
Introduction, Types of Organisms, Recognition of Bacterial Problems, Detection of Microorganisms, Sampling Procedure, Controlling Microbial Corrosion
8. Wax
What Is It?, Problems associated with wax, Wax Formation and its Removal, Control of Deposition, Screening Test, Points to watch for wax problems
9. Surface Tension
Reservoir Wettability, Capillarity and Repartition, Irreducible Water Saturation, Displacement Pressure, Displacement of Oil, Relationship between Permeability and Fluid Saturations, Reservoir Fluid Properties
10.Surface Equipment – Oil Handling
Flow Lines and Test Separators, Free Water Knock Outs, Heaters and Heater Treaters, Cheme-Electric, Gun-barrels Storage, Tanks and Oil Metering
11.An Overview of Geology and Hydrocarbon accumulation
Introduction, Classification of Rock, Origin and Habitat of Oil, Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Subsurface Mapping, Reservoir Temperature and Pressure
12. Relative Permeability and Saturations
What is an Emulsion, Formation of an Emulsion, Breaking the Emulsion, Action of chemical Demulsifiers, Selecting the Best Demulsifier, Bottle tests
13. Reservoir Drive Mechanisms
Oil Reservoirs, Solution Gas Reservoir, Gas Cap Expansion Reservoirs, Water Drive Reservoirs, Recovery Efficiencies, Pressure Maintenance and Secondary Recovery Schemes, Water Production
M. Sri Prasetyo Budi, ST., MT & Team