SCHEDULE : 23-25 Februari 2016
VENUE : Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta
This program will help the attendees to:
- Enhance proficiency in applying SE processes/practices over the project life cycle applied to power and energy domains
- Focus on defining and implementing system projects and provides valuable insight for managing and leading project and technical teams
- Introduce methods and techniques for a structured systems development process that proceeds from requirements to concept to production to operation
- Focus on the interfaces between the people, processes, and products.
- Equips teams with knowledge necessary to realize successful solutions
- Focus on advanced concepts of Project Management and Systems Engineering and their integration in the management of all phases and facets of the project life cycle
- Use case studies to examine topics such as system architecting, performance, risk, cost, schedule, reliability and operability, stakeholder management and acquisition strategies
- Provide knowledge to realize project solutions and leverage Project Management and Systems Engineering roles and responsibilities
This special course is geared for systems engineers, functional engineers, power & energy specialists, and program managers interested in learning more about how to apply powerful methods to create solutions for complex systems.
This course is intended to introduce attendees to systems engineering and provide a good understanding of how it can be applied to planning, designing, implementing, operating and optimizing power and energy projects.
The course leads the attendees step by step through the project life cycle and describes the systems engineering approach at each step using a real project. It focuses on how to begin implementing the systems engineering approach on power and energy projects and incorporate it more broadly into organization's business processes and practices.
Systems Engineering (SE) training for power and energy systems focusing on the following competencies:
- SE Planning and Management
- Collaborating with Technical Specialties
- Building Successful Teams
- Communicating with Impact
- Results Orientation·
- Adaptability
- System Concept Definition
- Concepts of Operations (ConOps)
- Requirements Engineering
- System Architecture·
- System Design and Development
- Systems Integration
- Test and Evaluation
- Systems Implementation, O&M, and Transition
- Understand Systems Engineering Process including Requirements Analysis, Systems Acquire a practical approach to plan, coordinate, and oversee interdisciplinary team efforts
- Translate operational needs into technology solutions
- Apply tools and skills determine whether a system will meet cost, schedule, and performance goal
- Functional Definition, Systems Physical Definition, Systems Design, and Systems Validation &Verifications applied to power and energy
- Acquire a practical approach to the engineering of system requirements and the conceptual design of complex power and energy systems
- Generate and work with the core SE products developed
- Identify aspects of a system problem through conceptual understanding of the problem space.
- Discern how technology transfer, reuse, and the analysis of needs and requirements typically take place after a period of successful operations
- Depict the system context to scope the system and explore dynamic system boundaries (including large, complex power and energy systems which are difficult to bound)
- Describe how the systems engineer manages systems projects and mitigates risks
- Create an awareness of the activities required to deploy, maintain, and sustain a complex system in the operations environment
- Describe how to retire and replace a system in the operations environment
System Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Power and Energy Systems
- Introduction to Energy Generation
- Different methods of generating electricity
- Turbine driven electrochemical generators
- Fuel cells
- Photovoltaics
- Thermoelectric devices
- Combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil)
- Nuclear fission and fusion
- Renewable resources (solar, wind, hydro, tidal, and geothermal sources)
- Sustainability and energy efficiency
Transmission and Distribution and Smart Grid
- Power and Energy and the Environment
- Power and Energy Systems Project Management
- Power and Energy Generation
- Transmission and Distribution / Smart Grid
- Principles and Techniques of Wind Energy and Solar Cells
- Power Electronics
- Smart Grids Communications
- Modern power transmission and distribution systems
- Transformer technology
- Transmission grids
- Load management
- Distribution optimization
- Power supply reliability
- Infrastructure systems
- Security and deregulation
- SCADA systems
Energy and the Environment
- Direct and indirect impact of energy generation and transmission technologies on the environment
- Global climate change
- Clean energy technologies
- Energy conservation
- Air pollution
- Water resources
- Nuclear waste issues
Core Systems Engineering Principals
Introduction to Systems Engineering
- Why Use Systems Engineering?
- Definition of System and Systems Engineering
- Value of Systems Engineering
- What is Systems Engineering?
- Key Systems Engineering Principles
- The V Systems Engineering Model
Power and Energy Systems Engineering
- Systems Engineering applied to power and energy
- Development and implementation of modern complex power and energy systems
- Developing new power and energy technologies and systems
- Need to plan, coordinate, and oversee interdisciplinary team efforts
- Translating operational needs into technology solutions
- Applying tools and skills determine whether a system will meet cost, schedule, and performance goal
- Systems engineering methods with potential applications to power and energy systems
- Integrated System Analysis of Power and Energy Projects
- Power and Energy Generation Technology Cost Modeling
- An example of Systems Engineering
- Application of Systems Engineering to Power and Energy Design
- Integral Power and Energy System Design
Power and Energy Systems Engineering Technical
- System Conceptual Design
- Using the Architecture
- Feasibility Study/Concept Exploration
- Project Management and Systems Engineering Master Plan
- Concept of Operations (ConOps)
- System Requirements
- System Design
- Systems Architecting
- Software/Hardware Development and Testing
- Integration and Verification
- Initial Deployment
- System Validation
- Operations and Maintenance
- Retirement/Replacement
- System of Systems (SoS) Engineering
- Power and Energy Systems Project Management
- Managing the electric power grid
- Broad spectrum of empirical, theoretical and policy issues
- Generation facilities and equipment
Systems Engineering Processes Applied to Power and Energy Power and Energy
Systems Engineering Approaches
- Needs and Objectives
- Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
- Definition of the Problem
- Measures of Effectiveness/Measures of Performance
- Needs and Objectives Analysis
- Objectives (Statement of Objectives, Objectives Tree)
Needs Analysis
- Business/mission needs
- Statement of Objectives
- Defining the Operational Requirements
- Measures of Effectiveness and Performance
- Independent operational scenarios
- Functional Definition of the System
- Physical Definition of the System
- Needs Validation
Concept Definition
- Describing System Requirements
- Analyzing the Operational Requirements
- Deriving and Validating System Performance Requirements
- Concept exploration
- Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
- Prototyping
- Analysis of Alternatives
- Trade Studies
- Risk Analysis
- Technology Readiness Assessments
power and energy System Analysis
- Requirements analysis
- Functional analysis and design
- Allocation of Requirements to Functions
- Functional Architecture (Functional Flow and Block Diagrams)
- Physical analysis and design
- Physical Architecture (Physical Block Diagram)
- The Context of the System in its Environment
- Engineering Complex Systems in Government Environments
- Understanding the System Environment
- Defining the Problem and Purpose of the System
- System Boundaries (System Context Diagram)
- System Life Cycle (from Concept to Operations)
- The SE Method (Requirements, Functional, Physical, Validation)
- Allocation of Requirements
- Concept selection and validation
- System Functional Specification
- Functional Decomposition (Functional Analysis and Allocation)
- Requirements Analysis
- Physical Definition (Synthesis or Physical Analysis and Allocation)
- The Design Review
- The Defined Concept
- Test Developmental and Operational Assessments
Requirements Engineering
- Characteristics of Requirements
- Writing requirements
- Analyzing Requirements
- Configuration Management of Requirements
- QA of Requirements
- Verification and Validation (V&V) of Requirements
- Traceability of Requirements
- Deriving test requirements
- Requirements Traceability Matrix
- System and Subsystem Requirements
- System Functional Requirements
- System Operational Requirements
- System Performance Requirements
- System Specifications
System Design, Development, and Integration
- Prototype Development
- Sub-system and component design
- Interface Design
- Synthesis of the design
- Integration and interoperability challenges
- Design Validation
- System and Acquisition Life Cycle
- Contractor design evaluation
Integrating, Testing, and Evaluating the System
- Test and evaluation plans and procedures
- The Test Construct
- Deriving test objectives and requirements
- Test methods (demonstration, analysis, inspection, and test)
- Operational Capability Assessment
- Test maturity
Power and Energy Systems Analysis, Design and Development
- Conceptual Design
- Interface Design (Physical Interfaces, User Interfaces)
- Models and Simulations (includes Prototypes)
- System Concept (candidate concepts and selected concept)
- System Preliminary Design
- System Functional Architecture
- System Physical Architecture
- System/Subsystem Detailed Design (hardware/software)
- Validated System Model (Design Validation)
Engineering Methods applied to Power and Energy
- Data Collection Method
- Systems Engineering Method
- Requirements Analysis, Functional Definition, Physical Definition, and Design Validation
- System Design Evaluation Criteria and Method
- Test Plans, Procedures, and Methods (Demonstration, Inspection, Testing, and Analysis)
System Project Management
- Cost, Schedule, Resources and Tasks
- Cost and Schedule
- Cost/benefit Analysis
- Critical Path Method Analysis
- Market Research Analysis
- Proposal Development (RFPs)
- Resource Allocation
- Task Definitions
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Systems Design Reviews
Management Plans, Processes and Documentation
Systems Engineering Plans, Processes, and Documentation
- Configuration Management Plan
- Operations and Maintenance Plans/Documentation
- Project Plan
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Risk Management Plan
- Risk Mitigation Plan
- Strategic Plans (Acquisition Strategy)
- Systems Engineering Plan
- Systems Engineering Management Plan
- Systems Integration Plan
- Tailored Systems/Software Engineering Processes
- Test and Evaluation Master Plan
- Training Plans and Documentation
- Reports (Status, Risks)
Leading and Managing SE Activities
- Planning for Design and Development (SEMP/TEMP)
- Managing System Projects
- Identifying and Managing the Risks
- SE Standards and Processes
- Collaborating with Teams and Technical Specialties
- Introducing the Team Project
- Management of Systems Projects
- Project Management Processes
- Project Planning
- Project Monitoring and Control
- Configuration Management
- Tools needed to conceptualize, analyze, design and integrate advanced energy systems
- Energy production, transmission and utilization technology options and trade-offs
- Public policy and regulatory issues
- Science and engineering that underpins energy conversion systems
- Engineering, science, and societal issues in the areas of fossil, nuclear, and renewable power generation
- Hydrogen production and generation
- Energy usage
- Conservation and optimization
- Sustainable development
Technology Transfer, Reuse, and Exploration of Future Needs
- Capturing mature technologies and intellectual property (IP)
- Transitioning a system, its component technologies, or its design to other domains
- Integrating Existing Systems into New Environments
- Completing the System Life Cycle, from Operations to a Concept Development
- Applying Systems Engineering to Power and Energy
System Deployment and Operations
- From Production to Deployment
- Transition to support
- Systems fielding
- Operations and maintenance of deployed systems
- Sustainment of existing systems
- System modifications and upgrades
- Modernization, the Big Upgrade
- Retirement and replacement of systems in the operations environment
- Training of end users and systems administrators
Sustainable Energy Production and Usage
- Conventional and sustainable energy production and utilization
- Overview of the major energy flows
- Production and end-use
- Major current sources of energy include fossil fuel, hydroelectric, nuclear power, and wind energy
- Major end-use categories include industrial uses, transportation and buildings
- Power and Energy Systems Analysis
- Rankin cycles from traditional power plants
- Advanced Convection Heat Transfer
- Advanced Thermodynamics
- Impact of Energy Conversion on the Environment
- Combustion and Reacting Flow
- Measurement and Instrumentation
- Fundamentals of thermal and fluid processes in single phase and multi-phase flows as related to this course
- Measurement/Instrumentation techniques for measurement of basic quantities such as pressure, temperature, flow rate, heat flux
- Experimental design and planning
- Sources of errors in measurements
- Uncertainty analysis
Reliability Analysis and engineering
- Principal methods of reliability analysis
- Fault tree and reliability block diagrams
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Systems engineering approaches
- Significant performance improvements and savings in capital and operating costs
- Mathematical Techniques for Engineers
- Applications of matrices, vectors, tensors, differential equations, integral transforms, and probability methods to a wide range of engineering problems
- Risk Assessment for Engineers
- Market, Spatial, and Traffic Equilibrium Models
Applying Systems Engineering and Optimization
- The Traditional Project Life Cycle and Systems Engineering
- Applying Systems Engineering in Your Project
- Applying Systems Engineering in Your Organization
- Concepts, definitions and examples
- Optimality and convexity
- Linear programming
- Single objective optimization: unconstrained methods
- Single objective optimization: constrained methods
- Multi-objective optimization methods
- Post-optimality analysis
- Optimality and duality
- Mixed (continuous) integer/discrete optimization: single objective
- Mixed continuous-discrete optimization: multiple objectives
- Robust optimization
- Multi-Disciplinary optimization
- Multi-Level Post optimality sensitivity analysis
Miftakhul Hudha, S.T, M.Eng and Team / Dr. Waluyo, MT and Team