SCHEDULE : 11 - 13 July 2017
VENUE : Golden Flower Hotel, Bandung
Gas flow measurement plays avery vital role in petrochemical industries and process plants.Flow measurement and control is an essential requirement for assuring the quality as per the relevant standards.
1. Petroelum & Natural gas Flowmeasurement - Standards and Practices
Properties of petroleum fluids, Natural gas properties & heating value calculations, Gas chromatography , Flow Basics, Elements of pipe /ducted flow and Basic Metering Concepts, Flow measurement techniques, Primary standards and practices in flow measurement
2. Study of international standards-AGA, API, OIML etc. for Oil and Gas flowmeasurement computations and Custody transfer
International and National Standards for flow measurement- American Petroleum Institute (API), Organisation Internationale De Metrolgie Legale (OIML) , American Gas Association (AGA) and ISO standards
3. Selection and Application of flowmeters
Different types of flowmeters- Linear & Non-linear flowmeters , differential pressure Turbine flowmeters, P.D. Meters, , Vortex flowmeters, Ultrasonic flowmeters, Coriolis Mass Flowmeters Thermal Mass Flowmeters etc - principles , applications and installation effects ,Selection & sizing of Flowmeters for various applications.
4. Performance/ QR evaluation /Calibration of flowmeters
Calibration Techniques , Primary and Secondary Calibration, Gravimetric Method., Volumetric Method, Master Meter Method ,Meter Provers , Pipe provers and Tank Provers . Calibration of Liquid and Gas Flowmeters, Calibration at Site and case studies, Assessment of uncertainty and statistical analysis of accuracy in fluid flow measurements & Traceability of measurements.
5. Instrumentation for Flowmeasurement and Auxiliary measurement systems
Pressure and differential pressure measurement-Methods , Principles,instruments & standards Temperature measurement and standards ,Thermo wells ,Density measurement ,Online Densitometers ,Measurement of Viscosity,Time and frequency measurement , Level Gauging of storage tanks , Sensors and Transducers ,Pressure Sensors Temperature sensors, Smart Transmitters, Data Acquisition Systems andFlow Computers.
6. Calibration of Auxiliary /secondary instruments for flowmeasurement (Pressure, temperature, density, Viscosity, mass etc. )
Pressure Calibration, Calibration of pressure transducers, Calibration of Mass and Weighing balances. Density and Volume calibration, Temperature Measurement and calibration and calibration of electrical parameters.
7. Custody Transfer flowmeasurement of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Custody Transfer instrumetation
Custody Transfer of Petroleum and Natural Gas – Standards and Practices, Flowmeters for custody transfer, Accuracy & contractual needs, Provers for custody transfer applications , Custody Transfer instrumentation ,Flowcomputers for Custody Transfer and Leased automatic custody transfer.
8. Auditing / Validation of Flowmetering stations and custody transfer installations
Inspection, Auditing / Validation of Petroleum and natural gas, flow metering stations – Standards and practices, System Lay out and installation requirements as per relevant standards Inspection and Validation of secondary instruments and Validation of Flow computers. Validation of CNG dispensers at site and case studies .
9. Model Approval of Flowmeters as per OIML international standards
Model Approval of Flowmeters as per Organisation Internationale De Metrolgie Legale (OIML) standards, Electrical Tests for Model approval, Enviormental & Endurance tests.
10. Flow Control Techniques – Control Valves and Actuators
Type of Valves, Flow characteristics of valves, performance evaluation of control valves, Selection and sizing of control valves, Actuators- selection and sizing, testing of actuators and matching Actuators for control Valves.
Technical Personnel in Mechanical, Instrumentation, Civil, Chemical and Electrical Engineering with some background of industrial instrumentation and control of fluid flow.. Participants may be from industry, R&D organisation or Academic Institutes.
Ir. In Jumanda Kasdadi, MT