This course is designed to provide the fundamental knowledge and technical information regarding the operating principles and functions of the wellhead control system. Italso ensures effective understanding of the well control system surface and subsurface configurations with special attention to the wellhead control system and its operational procedures as well as the components of system shutdown and itsfunctions, which permits the operator’s best insurance to achieve well safe operations.
- UNDERSTAND the well operations
- UNDERSTAND the wellhead components and wellhead concepts
- GAIN the knowledge of the hazardous area classification around the wellhead
- UNDERSTAND the operational principles of the wellhead control system
- ENSURE proper understanding of the operating logic of the system and wellhead control system response during
- normal and emergency cases
- POSSESS the basic skills to monitor &optimize the operation of the system
- FAMILIARIZE with the P&ID schematic of the system
- Oil Origin & Exploration Methodologies
- Reservoir & Reservoir Characteristics
- Well Drilling & Workover
- Well Definition
- Well Components
- Drilling & Workover Operations
- X-mas Tree Types & Functions
- Well Cost Analysis
- Well Abandonment
- Well Completion
- Pressure Basis & Basics
- Pressure Equipment
- Subsurface Control System
- Landing Nipples
- Control Line
- Well Casing System
- Cement
- Wellhead (Surface) Control System
- Wellhead Control Panel
- Well Control
- Wellhead Operating Area
- Well Control Systems
- Wellhead Control Panel Instrumentation and Installation
- Methodology
- Wellhead Control Panel Operating Logic methods
- Wellhead Control Panel Operation
- Wellhead Control Panel problems, solutions&Troubleshooting
- Wellhead Control Panel Maintenance and inspection Procedures
- Case Studies Sessions
- Well Intervention Operations
- Well Integrity Management System (WIMS)
- HSE Issues
- Case Studies Provided
- Production Operations Staff
- Maintenance Staff (Instrument, Mechanical)
- Production Process Staff
- Well Integrity Management Staff
- Drilling Staff
- Completion Engineers
- Production Engineers
- Pipeline Engineers
- Well Site Engineers
- Rig Staff
Facilities of course :
ü Certificate,
ü Hand Out,
ü Quality Training Kit ,
ü Quality Training Material (Hardcopy And Softcopy)
ü Convenient Training Facilities At Stars Hotel, Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks,
ü Souvenir.