Hazardous substances are any substances which may pose threats to the environment, to human, plant or animal health. They are often equated with hazardous waste but the risks can arise at any time during the existence of such a substance, from production, storage, transport, use and disposal. Hazardous substances include all hazardous wastes (hazardous materials that are regarded as waste) and also substances that are not waste but because of their physical or chemical properties pose a risk.
After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :
- Reduction in the quantity of solid, hazardous and liquid waste generated in the region and consigned for disposal or discharged into the environment.
- Reduction of the impacts on surface and groundwater from nonsewered domestic waste disposal
No specified (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)
- reduction of waste generated
- re-use of waste resources
- recycling of waste resources
- recovering of resources from waste
- treatment and disposal of residual waste
INSTRUCTOR : M. Sri Prasetyo Budi, ST.,MT/ Team
Facilities of course :
ü Certificate,
ü Hand Out,
ü Quality Training Kit ,
ü Quality Training Material (Hardcopy And Softcopy)
ü Convenient Training Facilities At Stars Hotel, Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks,
ü Souvenir.