
Date : 15 Juli 2020 - 17 Juli 2020
Time : 08.00 - 16.00
Venue : Golden Flower / Kagum Group / 101 Hotel
Price :



Assertive communication is effective communication. It’s how to deal confidently and successfully with the people around you. Assertive people feel in control, they achieve win-win outcomes in any interpersonal transaction. They make their point persuasively whilst supporting the opinion of others. They build co-operation within a team and between teams.


On the other hand, aggressive people communicate an impression of superiority and disrespect for the views of others. They may ‘win’, but they cause conflict, damage relationships and set themselves up for retaliation.


Non-assertive (passive) people communicate inferiority. They allow the wants and preferences of others to be more important than their own. They attract ‘win-lose’ situations which eat away at their self-esteem.


Assertive people communicate self-respect AND respect for others. When we are assertive we communicate what we want or prefer. We state our preference clearly and confidently without making ourselves or others look small, without being threatening or putting others down. This results in open, more genuine relationships.


Step-by-step this assertive communication course provides you with a toolbox of easy-to-use skills that improve the effectiveness of any interpersonal transaction. You’ll get a confidence boost every time you use them to handle a communication challenge skillfully.




At the end of the assertive communication course participants will:

  • To learn the mechanisms of self esteem.
  • To emphasize your personal grounds of self esteem.
  • To rise your self esteem in order to develop your confidence.
  • To develop your own self esteem and that of others.


These efficient communication techniques are for everyone, however complex or simple the message, however demanding the audience, whether dealing with internal or external clients/stakeholders, in one-on-one meetings or facing a larger audience.



  • What is assertiveness? Why is it so important? What prevents people from being assertive?
  • How to ask for what you want. The link between influencing skills and assertiveness. When not to be assertive.
  • How to recognise aggressive, assertive and non-assertive behaviour.
  • How to use assertive communication in meetings.
  • 9 Assertiveness techniques. How to say the right thing at the right time.
  • How to say ‘no’ in a way that people respect.
  • How to handle conflict.
  • How to give and receive feedback/criticism/praise.
  • How to strike the balance between being ‘too nice’ and coming on ‘too strong’.
  • How to manage and control your inner dialogue.
  • How to use body language and voice control.
  • How to deal with aggressive behaviour. Managing the put down.
  • How to keep people working with you, not against you.




Solid Corp Trainer Teeam



Facilities of course :

ü  Certificate,

ü  Hand Out,

ü  Quality Training Kit ,

ü  Quality Training Material (Hardcopy And Softcopy)

ü  Convenient Training Facilities At Stars Hotel, Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks,

ü  Souvenir.


Venue : Golden Flower / Kagum Group / 101 Hotel
City : Bandung
State :
Country : Indonesia