¨ Memberikan pengetahuan tentang termodinamika dan sifat-sifat gas; Jenis dan siklus turbine gas, prinsip kerja turbine gas; pengoperasian, konstruksi dan perawatan termasuk predictive, preventive maintenance dan troubleshooting.
¨ Turbine gas sangat sensitif terhadap getaran dan memerlukan lubrikasi yang spesifik, jadi dalam kursus ini, topik tersebut akan dibahas dalam bab tersendiri.
¨ Introduction
Evolution of turbine, Reaction Blading, Turbines type and applications, Comparison of Turbine Types; Mechanical Drive Turbines, Bearing and seals. Review Thermodinamika dan Sifat-Sifat Gas; Steady-flow Energy Equation: Thermodynamic Relationships for Gases; Adiabatic Process; Atmospheric Air; Air Tables; Keenan-Kaye Gas Tables; Cycles; Nozzle Relationships; Static and Total Pressure; Diffusers; Momentum Changes in a Flowing Fluid
¨ Gas-Turbine Cycles And Thermodynamic Analyses
Brayton Cycle; Regenerative Brayton Cycle; Open Gas turbine Cycle; Regenerator Effectiveness; Stage Efficiency; Reheat Factor; Compressor Performance; Open-cycle Performance; Open-cycle Generalizations; Closed-cycle System; Advantages and Disadvantages of the Closed Cycle; Gas-turbine Control
¨ Constructional and Design Features
Combustion chambers, Nozzles; Diaphragms, and Seals, Blades, Shrouding, Blade Shielding and Sealing, Seals and Glands, Rotors, Gears, Couplings, Cylinders, Casings, Bearings, Expansions, Stop and Throttle Valves, Miscellaneous turbines valves.
¨ Compressors
Types of Compressors; Axial-flow Compressors; Centrifugal Compressor; Compressor Blade Diagrams; Compressors Stage Performance; Blanding Characteristics; Velocity Distribution in Blanding; Aerodynamics Considerations in Blanding Design; Design Considerations and Power Requirements
¨ Performance
Component characteristics, Condition line, Efficiencies, Heat rate, Pressure and Temperature, Checking turbine performance, Estimating new turbine performance, Turbine performance
¨ Operation and Maintenance
Turbine Instruments; Turbine Operation; Good operating practice; Operating troubles; Unusual operation. Review maintenance management, Maintenance Scheduling, Predictive maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Prosedur Pemeriksaan, Pemeriksaan pendahuluan, Pemeriksaan rutin, Pemeriksaan kondisi operasi, Pengelolaan kartu kendali dan log operasi, Overhaul, Korosi, Trouble shooting, Turbine fouling, Turbine overhaul.
¨ Turbine Lubricant and Lubrication
Lubrication principles, Fundamentals of Bearing Lubrications, Additional Use of Lubrication Oil, Type of turbine lubricants, Properties of lubricating oils, Performance Characteristics of Turbine Oils, Causes of oils impairments, Common oil troubles, Reconditioning and maintenance of lubricating oils, Turbine oils maintenance system, Oil selection, Care and supervision of turbine lubrication system, Lubrication troubleshooting.
¨ Vibration and Balancing
General Observations Concerning Vibration; Balancing of Flexible and Rigid Rotors; Dynamic and Static Balance of Rigid Rotors of Known Unbalance; Machine for Determining the Unbalance; Vibration Control by Suitable Mountings; Vibration of Turbine and Compressor Blades; Vibration in the Centrifugal-compressor Rotor; Vibration of the Combustion Chambers; Shaft Critical Speeds; Torsional Vibration; Noise; Vibration Trouble shooting.
¨ Studi Kasus
∙ Mechanical engineers
∙ Maintenance engineers and supervisors
∙ Service engineers and supervisors
∙ Work over engineers and supervisors
∙ Maintenance mechanics