- Introduction Explosive Materials
- Type of Explosive Materials
- Characteristic the explosive materials
- Impact of explosive
- Application of Explosive materials
- Primary of explosive
- Blasting agents
- Open pit blasting
- Oil and gas Industry
- War heads and rocket
- Munitions
- Mechanism Of Explosive
- Military bomb
- Unlawful of explosive materials/terrorist
- Other application
- Transportation handling and Storage of Explosive Materials
- Handling of Explosive
- Transportation of explosive materials
- Storage and magazine of explosive materials
- Disposal of explosive materials
- Safety Explosive Materials
- Pre-blast
- Post-blast
- Law and Regulation of explosive Materials
- UN Convention
- US law
- Indonesia Law
- Optional Safety from radioactive Materials
- Law and regulation for Indonesia
- Government regulation for radioactive materials
- Employees who work with or in the presence of explosives, ammunition, weapon system.
- Manager, Supervisor and other individual whose action and decision have impact on explosives safety
AKP Suripto and Team
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