Designed to provide a basic understanding of health economic evaluation. This course is the starting point for anyone involved in the healthcare sector or in health services who needs to be introduced to the language of economics and economic evaluation. It explains how economists evaluate the costs and benefits of health interventions, and how health economics is used by decision makers in the health services and in the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries. No previous knowledge of economics is required, but for those who do have some general knowledge of health economics, or economic evaluation, it will serve as an introduction to the course on advanced methods of cost-effectiveness analysis.
- To introduce key health economic concepts
- To give an understanding of the design, conduct and analysis of economic evaluation in healthcare.
- To know of Introduction to key health economic concepts, Measuring outcomes, Measuring costs, and Interpreting and using cost-effectiveness analysis in decision making.
Introduction to key health economic concepts
- What is economics?
- Types of economic evaluation
- Explaining time preference
- Introduction to cost-effectiveness analysis
Measuring outcomes
- Introducing measures of health status
- Techniques used to value health states
- Using multi-attribute utility scales
- Calculating Quality Adjusted Life Years analysis
Measuring costs
- Defining costs
- Measuring and valuing resource use
- Which costs should be included?
- Calculating and comparing costs analysis
Interpreting and using cost-effectiveness analysis in decision making
- Incremental analysis
- Decision rules
- Priority setting
- Uncertainty analysis
Ichsan Setiyo Budi, SE., M.Si and Team
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