Petroleum business is just like other business which is aimed to make profit. Profit is a function of production, price, costs and government take (tax and non tax) and minimum return. Petroleum business is a risky business. To maintain production, any business needs to maintain stock, Stock in Petroleum Business is proven reserves.
To understand Petroleum Economic Evaluation needs knowledge of petroleum proven reserve and production, price, costs, government take, contractor profit, minimum return and risks of Petroleum Business.
- Dynamics of Petroleum Business
- Profit Indicators
- Government Take from Tax and non Tax
- Important Issues on Law, Fiscal and Frame work of Upstream Petroleum Contracts
- General Assessment on Petroleum Exploitation and Production Concession
- Production Sharing Contract
- Other Contractual Systems
- Comparison between Systems
- Petroleum Contracts in Indonesia
- Financial Analyst
- Project Engineering and Economic Team
- Development Planning Team
- Geophysicist and Geologist
- Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers and Drilling Engineers
- Anybody who wish to learn the course subjects
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