Once participants have completed this program, they will have the skills to grow high performing teams through effective team leadership. Specifically they will be able to:
- Understand how and when to use different leadership styles to meet individual, team and business goals.
- Optimise the skills and qualities necessary to build a successful approach to team building.
- Understand group dynamics and the effect they have on individuals and on team relationships.
- Build an atmosphere of trust and rapport, where participation and problem solving are encouraged and differing world views are understood.
- Set and manage ground rules for the team and the task.
- Establish clear purpose and SMART team goals ?goals that are motivational.
- Use their management and leadership skills to progress a team through the development stages, from forming through to performing
1. About Leadership
a. Leadership Styles
b. What it takes to be a leader
2. Foundations of Teamwork
a. Developing Team Trust
b. Setting the Guidelines for Performance
c. Establishing Clear Purpose and Goals
3. Facilitating Teamwork
a. Improving Group Dynamics
4. Module 4 (Growing your Team )
a. Stages of Team Growth
5. How to manage team work well
6. Create a list of behaviors that you expect from the team
7. Developing Your Team
8. Communicating and Working
9. Managing Discipline
10. Traps to Avoid
Th. Agung M. Harsiwi, S.E., M.Si. and Team
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