The objective of this module is to provide participants with the information and knowledge needed for an understanding of the nature of procurement and to conduct oneself in an accountable and ethical manner to all stakeholders in the private and public sector. It may cover, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Procurement Process
The Role of Purchasing – the five rights
Key Principles – Open, Fair, Transparent and Value for Money
Identification of needs
Specification development: Definition and principles. Difference between product and service specifications etc
Value Engineering and Analysis,
Standardisation and variety reduction – the use of standards and harmonisation of specifications.
Introduction to Contracts: Definition, Formation of a contract, legal impact, forms of contracts
Impact of a Contract: Definition, stakeholders
Procurement lifecycle (P2P cycle): Definition, Overview of the different stages
b. Types of Procurement structure and systems
Centralised vs Decentralised Procurement
Purchasing systems to fit structures
E-Procurement and how it changed the environment
c. Ethics
Code of general procurement ethics
Accountability of a procurement staff
How to deal with conflict of interest
How to deal with gifts and hospitality
Dealing with suppliers ethically
Dr. Hanifah SE,AK.,MSi, CA / Miftahol Arifin, ST, MT/Dr. Luh Gede Sri Artini, SE.,MSi and Team
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