This course covers all aspect of the Indonesian PSC systems. It is designed to give you a complete overview and good understanding of the system.
Consideration on the Petroleum Operation Investment
Basic Legal aspects of Petroleum Operation in Indonesia
Petroleum Fiscal Regime
The Indonesian Production Sharing Contract
- Basic Concept of the PSC
- Principles for Understanding the PSC
- Operation and Economic aspects
- Accounting Principles
Economic Indicator of the Indonesian PSC
- First Trance Petroleum
- Investment Credit and Operating Cost
- Equity Share and Domestic Market Obligation
- Incentive Packages
The Indonesian Petroleum Taxation
- Direct Taxes – Corporate and Income Tax and
- PBDR or Branch Profit Tax
- Indirect Taxes – VAT, Local Taxes and Levies
- Cases on PSC Tax Audit
Cost Structure of PSC
- Activities and Cost Structure of Exploration and Development
- Activities and Cost Structure of Production Operation
- Activities and Cost Structure of General Administration
- Operating Cost and Production Split
Planning Budgeting
- Grand Plan PSC
- Work Program and Budget Expenditure
- Budget Reporting
- Authorization for Expenditure
Plan Of Development
- Development Planning
- Project Economic
Financial Analysis
- Comparison of Petroleum Accounting Systems
- Financial Analysis of the Petroleum Accounting
- Fiscal Regime and Financial Analysis
- Accounting personnel
- Finance personnel
- Engineers
- Lawyers
- Economists
- Managers, supervisors and executives
- Exploration personnel
- Tax Accountants
- Bankers
Drs. Arif Budiarto , M.Si, Akuntan & Team / Ichsan Setiyo Budi, SE. M.Si .AK & Team