
Date : 20 April 2015 - 22 April 2015
Time : 08.00 - 16.00
Venue :
Price : Please Call Us



Hydrocarbon-Bearing Fluid Characteristics

  • Common dissolved constituents and undesirable components in hydrocarbon fluid.
  • Amount of dissolved solids in the water.

The Nature of Formation Water and Problem-causing Factors

  • General characteristics of formation and produced water.
  • Corrosive properties and the role of sour / acidic components.
  • Scaling properties and the mineral saturation.
  • Corrosion, pitting and stress corrosion problems and scale in tubing material.

Corrosion Problem in Oilfield Production and Produced Water Handing

  • Corrosion caused by pressure and temperature changes.
  • Changes of corrosion properties of water at the surface facilities.
  • Incompatible water mixing at the surface.
  • Examples of produced water analyses.
  • Ionic balance and the corrosion tendency.
  • Common types of corrosion and its mechanism.
  • Most common inorganic / mineral scales and its primary variables.
  • Corrosion prevention / mitigation principles.
  • H2S, CO2, and acidic impurities effects on surface facility corrosion.
  • H2S pitting corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
  • CO2 exfoliation corrosion and calcium carbonate scaling.
  • Microbial induced corrosion and solids built-up fouling problems.
  • SRB corrosion and the under-deposits pitting.
  • Oxygen corrosion and insoluble corrosion products fouling problems.

Examples and Case Studies

  • Oilfield corrosion failures, pipeline/equipment leakages and ruptures.
  • Oilfield pipeline / equipment plugging.
  • Bottom-hole tubing material corrosion and stress corrosion cracking failures.

Oilfield Water Corrosion Prevention Methods

  • High-Chromium stainless steels for tubing materials.
  • Corrosion inhibitors and biocides for reservoir injection and surface injection treatment programs.
  • Debris/fouling/water/condensate removal by mechanical means.
  • H2S/CO2/O2 gas removal by mechanical and/or chemical means.
  • Typical equipment for gas removal and water conditioning.
  • Typical chemicals and application method of corrosion inhibitors.
  • Typical chemicals and application method of biocides.
  • Typical chemicals and application method of oxygen scavengers.
  • Surface facility’s process/operations variables modification.
  • Routine pipeline cleaning and pigging.
  • Produced water treatment at the surface facility.
  • On-line corrosion monitoring.

Safety in oilfield water handling



M. Sri Prasetyo Budi, ST., MT & Team / Dr. Ir. Ramli Sitanggang, B.Eng., M.Eng & Team


Venue :
City : Yogyakarta / Bandung / Bali
State : Yogyakarta / Bandung / Bali
Country : Indonesia