
Date : 04 Mei 2015 - 06 Mei 2015
Time : 08.00 - 16.00
Venue :
Price : Please Call Us



This training is specifically designed to provide a basic understanding of power system protection design.  It is ideally suited to meet the career needs of those new to the areas of protection design and also for those associated with the many support disciplines.  This training has been purpose designed to focus on the high level principles of protection design.  The more complex and mathematical aspects of protection design have thus been purposely excluded.  The technical discussions and principles are reinforced with many real life examples and experiences from the training coordinator’s personal experience, covering 3 decades specifically in the area of electrical power system protection design.

This training has been specifically designed to meet the learning requirements of engineers, technicians and electricians who presently have minimal, or limited knowledge, of power system protection principles.  This training will assist those whose day-to-day work directly involves them in the applications of protection design, coordination and relay settings.  And, in addition, it will also provide a valuable and necessary insight into these principles for those in the associated areas of electricity power system design .

This training has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of:

  • Project Managers, to ensure the project execution process optimises coordination between protection design and the overall project implementation.
  • Planning Engineers, to identify the difficulties in providing protection for various power system configurations under review.
  • Maintenance Engineers, to ensure that power system protection is not compromised as plant is removed from service during maintenance.
  • Circuitry Design Engineers, to ensure that protective schemes are implemented in a manner to provide optimum performance.
  • Commissioning Engineers, to ensure the actual field installation of the protection scheme and associated relay settings does meet the design requirements .
  • Field Technicians, to understand the importance of their role in installing, testing and maintaining effective, reliable, dependable and secure protection systems.
  • Protection Design Engineers, to identify protection implications and to ensure design, coordination and relay setting principles provide the necessary levels of speed, security, dependability and safety .



  • Basic Power System Protection
  • Fundamental Concepts of Power System Protection
  • Introduction to Fault Calculations
  • Fuses, Over Current and Earth Fault Protection
  • Introduction to Voltage and Current Transformers
  • Introduction to Distance Protection
  • Introduction to Protection Signalling
  • Introduction to High Impedance Differential Protection
  • Introduction to Transformer Protection
  • Introduction to Low Impedance Busbar Differential Protection
  • Introduction to Feeder Differential Protection
  • Auto Reclosing Concepts
  • Introduction to Capacitor Bank Protection


Dr. Waluyo, MT& Team/ HASAN SURYA, Drs.Ir.MT. & Team


Venue :
City : Jakarta/Bandung
State : Jakarta/Bandung
Country : Indonesia