- Exploration and Production Business Activity Overviews
- PSC Term and Conditions and Basic Principle
- Regulation and Guidance of Oil and Gas Accounting and Financial Management
- Regulation and Guidance of Budgeting and Reporting System
- Some current issue related PSC Accounting and Taxation
- Accounting for Exploration and Development (The E&P Industry and Financial Reporting,
- Pre-development Costs, Development Costs)
- Accounting for Production and Revenues (Production Costs, Depreciation of Capitalized
- Costs, Impairment of Assets, Sales Revenues)
- Provisions, Acquisitions and Disposals
- Commitments, Provisions and Contingent Liabilities
- Removal and Restoration
- Risk and Cost Sharing Arrangements
- General Tax Laws (Indonesia Tax System, Withholding Tax, Value Added Tax, Tax
- Compliance & Penalties , Objections, Appeal & Judicial Review)
- Oil and Gas PSC Tax Regime (Ring Fence Policy, Uniformity Principle, Deductibility
- Taxability, Special tax policies and regulations applicable to PSC, Forms of the PSCs entity,
- Problems in implementing the tax laws and regulations, Tax Cases &Tax Planning)
- Financial Controllers
- Chief Accountants
- Tax officers
- Treasury Officers
- Asset Accountants
- Joint Venture Accountants
- Management Accountants
- Internal and External Auditors
- Government Regulators
- Financial Analysts
- Budgeting and cost controllers
- Any person who wish to enhance knowledge and understanding of above aspect
Dr. Hanifah SE.,Ak.,Msi, CA & Team / Drs. Arif Budiarto , M.Si, Akuntan & Team