- Implementation of Sustainable Development in the Business Sector & CSR
- Equator Principle and Socially-Responsible Investment
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Introduction to CSR Disclosure and Sustainability Reporting.
- GRI Reporting Cycle, Profile, Standard Disclosures and Management Approach
- Reporting on Economic Performance and Case Study
- Reporting on Environmental Performance and Case Study
- Reporting on Product Responsibility and Labor & Decent Work Performance & Case Study
- Reporting on Human Right and Society Performance and Case Study
- Industry Sector Supplement; Oil & Gas, Mining & Metals, Financial Services, Telecommunication, etc
- Writing and Managing Sustainability Reporting Project.
Pelatihan ini disarankan untuk diikuti oleh:
- Manajer dan Staf Public Relations (PR), Corporate Secretary, Corporate Communications
- Unit kerja perusahaan yang terkait dengan CSR, Community Development atau Community Relations
Irfan Riza, SE, MSi, MA & Team / Drs. Arif Budiarto , M.Si, Akuntan & Team