The course contains legal rules significant for environmental quality (air, waters, biodiversity etc.): Environmental law. The legal area includes the land and planning law (physical planning, nature conservation etc.), the law on protection of health, air and waters etc, the law on extraction of natural resources (waters, minerals etc.) and the law on certain installations (roads etc.). The scope of each legislation is discussed, as well as substantial requirements and different types of legal control (permit requirements,
supervision, penalties etc). The course also includes a brief survey of EC-law and its relevance within Swedish Environmental Law.
After completion of the course the student should be able to :
- Have a basic knowledge of the present Swedish environmental legislation, the methodology used when this legislation is applied in practice
- Apply the legislations efficiency as a tool to abate pollution and other environmental problems.
- Solve practical environmental legal problems.
Mukmin Zakie, SH.,M.Hum.,Ph.D & Team / Drs. Sukayadi, MH & Team