Every time, we hear of the occurrence of food poisoning (food poisoning) as a result of incorrect handling of food. To prevent such a thing, should be given training for implementing renderers / managers of food (foodhandler). The training is aimed at improving skills and knowledge of proper food handling. In addition, it also required the commitment of company management to support this program, where the provision of adequate infrastructure to enable foodhandler works well, and realize the importance of training as the main requirements that support the achievement of these goals. In accordance with the rules and regulations, monitoring the health of the foodhandler also be implemented. Targeted health checks according to the nature of the job ("job-related"), required that the food handlers are always fit and healthy, to process food. So as to produce safe food for customers, instead of a source of disease transmission.
Improve skills and knowledge for managers of catering services (food service) in the proper food handling and hygienic, ranging from raw material handling, processing and presentation.
- Rules and Regulations pertaining Indonesian Food Sanitation and Hygiene
- Principles of food sanitation;
- Food contaminants;
- Food borne diseases;
- Canteen Hygiene Policy;
- Medical Aspects of Food Handlers;
- Canteen Supervision.
- Outbreak investigation / MERP
- Regulations Regulations On Food Sanitation (Law No. 23/1992 on Health & Kepmenkes 715/Menkes/SK/V/2003 Number of sanitary hygiene requirements, catering services)
- Pollutants Food Microbiology
- Basics of Food Sanitation
- Pollution Food
- Pollution Food
- Congenital Diseases Food
- Environmental Sanitation: Water, Garbage, Pest.
- Supervision of Activities Canteen
- The process of cooking food
- Dealing with Food Poisoning Outbreak
- Managing the Medical Aspects of food handlers
- Canteen Hygiene Policy
- Independent Quality Control / HACCP
- Exercises
- The exposure photographs
HRD Manager, HSE Responsible, doctor / paramedic in the Company, General Services, Canteen Supervisor, Canteen Executive and etc.
Minta Harsana,A.Par,M.Sc and Team